
How Joan my friend learn new tech: As a beginner, you might find something here

 I taught I should share the conversation I had with Joan a few days ago. The reason is that she just recently graduated from university and did host an app which she had written using ReactJs. Joan how long did it take you to come up with this web app and she replied- "oh, it took about a month and two weeks".  Have you ever learnt to work with ReactJS before?  that was the question that got us all talking about the steps she had taken to approach her learning. going on from here is Joan telling me her story. So back in school I have always had this project in mind to do, but then I had knowledge of Javascript Html and CSS not too skilled but I could pull up some one page website without data interaction or the CRUD functionality. when I graduated I felt the need to really build something that will include CRUD functionality, where I could save data to the database, read and update it.  the project I had been nurturing in school resurfaced and I thought that will be cool to

Writing rules for Google Cloud Firestore - My frustrations and how I managed it

Have you ever worked with GCF - Google Cloud Firestore and decided it is time to go live with your mobile app or your website but then Google notifies you that client access to your cloud firestore is not secure or that it will soon expire due to the time limit google provides for the testing phase during which you are not mandated to set security rules? At that time I always try to bypass this warning by extending the time limit and changing the version, which is like me saying; hey GCF, give me one more month, I will try to read up on how to write security rules before then and I will definitely set it up. One more month, I find myself extending again and again.  What is the cost of not setting security rules? This could be very disastrous to your early startup or that wonderful project you hope to scale; you are opening the door wide for public access to all of the sensitive data in your domain. I thought about this and the fact that am taking my app from the development to publishi

Working With GraphQL for Mobile App Development using Flutter - Part 2

 I continued from Part 1 of our series in working with GraphQL for mobile App Development, please check it out if you missed it. To begin with GraphQL for flutter, here are the steps to take- 1 . First get the plugin for graphql flutter from the its called graphql_flutter. or better still copy this  graphql_flutter: ^5.0.0-nullsafety.2 and paste in your pubspec yaml file. Make sure you are pasting this in your dependencies path. here are the basic dependencies to get started hive : 2.0.4 hive_flutter : ^1.0.0 path_provider : ^2.0.1 in your dev dependencies add this hive_generator : ^1.1.0 build_runner : ^2.0.1 Hive is an In-Memory management library which provides the technology of handling in memory management for you during your app development. please check more about hive for more details.  path provider is a library which helps to get the current path or directory so that can either use it as an argument for some other process or just any use case depending on what you

Working with GraphQl API for Mobile App Development using Flutter Part 1

This is my personal experience working with GraphQL endpoints in flutter development. In this article, I will not write about building some sophisticated UI's, I will only concentrate on how to set up your network architecture in other to successfully get responses from a GraphQL endpoint.  This article is currently been documented as I undergo the interview process from HaggleX. you can check out  HaggleX . It is the first time working with GraphQL for flutter, and I spent a few hours trying to understand the basics of GraphQl, going through the HaggleX GraphQL playground and trying to get familiar with the document as I learn. I had help from one of my colleague who does Node and has worked with GraphQl before so I sat with him while he helped explain the terminologies such as mutation, query and subscription. We practised with the playground environment and made a few calls which were successful but he is not into mobile development, so I was left alone to figure out how to set

The Gadget that Inspired me Into Programming

I grew up in a family that could hardly afford the beautiful things that young teens looked forward to, but we were very much happy, playing with what we had and always having fun around the neighbourhood. Most of the time I and my sisters will visit my cousin so we can play with their gadgets.  Feb 2009, When we visited them, I got a gift from them, It was a PS1. Though they have been using it and wanted to give it out because they had got a new one. I was very much excited, just a pad to go with it, but the pad was not too good. I used some of my savings which I had gathered at college to buy some cool pad; I bought two because I wanted someone to play with me. I asked for soccer CD from the game store and 007 James bond. When I got home, there was no light, I was frustrated. I started hoping for them to restore power so I could play. They did, and I invited some of my neighbours to play with me, It felt great seeing the pad control some players on the screen. Even though I use to pl


       3.   Mr steve would like to teach her pupil about cookies; He decided to present the names of the cookies, description and the picture of each so that his pupil can see it while he teaches; in other to improve interactivity in the class.                Your task is to help Mr. steve: Note: retrieve the name of the cookies, their description and picture URL (so he clicks on any as he teaches)       SOLUTION      PREFIX o:<>      PREFIX :<>      PREFIX rdfs:<>      PREFIX foaf:<>      SELECT ?cookie_type ?description ?picture_url where {      ?cookie o:type :Cookie;      rdfs:label ?cookie_type;      rdfs:comment ?description .      ?cookie foaf:depiction ?picture_url .      } see live query here :  livequery